Download TRB Syllabus subjectwise for Examination

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TRB Latest News 2015 - Assistant Professors, PG TRB, TNTET Paper 1, Paper 2 and other Exams Updates

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25-09-2015 : 611 Assistant Professors in Tamilnadu Government Art and Science Colleges and 533 Lecturers posts in various technical education institutions will be filled through direct recruitment - Honourable Chief Minister has announced in the Assembly today. All the best for TRB aspirants !

05-09-2015 : TRB Tamilnadu Government Law Colleges Lecturers Recruitment Exam 2014 Result and Selection List is published for the written competitive examination was held on 21-09-2014.  

The provisional selection list of candidates for the subject "Constitutional law and Internation law" is published by the TRB. 

For more details visit TRB Official Website

02-09-2015 : 1188 Special Teachers Recruitment Notification will be published Soon. - Latest news in the School Education Department Maniakorikkai.

Download TRB PG Zoology Syllabus

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Classification Binomial Nomenclature  Invertebata and Chordata  Structure and life history of pathegenic Protozon Entamoeba histoytica Plasmodium viva P.Ovale P.Malariae P.falciparum, Trypanosoma gambiansi; and Leishmania donovoni, Structure and life history of Helminth parasites; Taenia solium, Fasciola hepattca Schistosoma Ascaris lumbricoides.

Structure and life history of Amphioxus Balanoglospus Ascidian and their evolutionary significance, vertebrate comparative anatomy; Integument, Brain; Heart and Urinogenital organe. Economically important vertebrates and vertebrate pests. Fishery resources of India.


Biological Chemistry  Structure of atom valencies molecular and structural formula of biochemical compounds. Isomerism Oxidation and reduction. Redox potential (Eh): RH Determination of EH and PH. Buffers Biologically important properties of water. Energy metabolism of carbohydrates. Lipids proteins and Nucleic Neids. Oxidative Physphorylation.

Role of major (Na, K, Ca and P) and minor (trace) elements in metabolism enzymes, their nature, classification of enzymes Coenzymes and cofactors, Mechanism of action of enzymes Inhibitions of enzyme actions.

Unit-III:Collection of data-primary and secondary, Methods of Classification and tabulation of data.

Diagramatic and graphic representation  Rules of constructing diagrams  Types of diagrams  Bar diagram-Pie diagram, graphs-construction of graphs  Types: Frequency distribution  Histograms  Frequency Polygon—Smooth frequency curve-cumulative frequency curve of Ogives.Measures of central value  Average-Median-Mode-Measures of dispersion-Mean deviation-coefficient of variation-variance-Standard deviation and standard error. Correlation Types  Methods of studying correlation co-efficient of correlation  Regression analysis.

Statistical inference  Procedure of testing hopothesis  Standard error test of significance for attributes  Test of significances for large and small samples  Student t distribution.


Cell and Molecular Biology  Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells. Ultra structure, Organisation and functions of cell membrane, Endoplasmic reticulum, golgibody, Lysosome, Mitochondrion; Ribosome structure of DNA, A,B,C and Z forms of D.N.A. Transcription  mRNA tRNA and rRNA and their functions. Synthesis of eukeryotic RNAS Structure and functions of nucleolus, D.N.A. replication D.N.A. repair, Microtubules cilia and flagella carcinogenic agents, Genetic basis of malignant transformation.


Genetics-Gene Interactions, Multiple alleles, Recombination and its molecular mechanism. Linkage, crossing over, chromosome, mapping. Cytoplasmic genes and their expression. Mitochrondial DNA its transcription code and translation, Population genetics Genetic organisation of a Mendelian population. Hardy-Weiberg Law. Derivation of Hardy  Weinberg equilibrium.

Animal breeding and human genetics  Inbreeding outbreeding Heteriosis. Expression of Eukaryotic genes in bacterial cells. Transfer of genes into Eukaryotic cells. Genetic Engineering and its applications in Agriculture Animal Husbandary and Medicine. Inborn errors of metabolism.


Physiology  Nutrition  Essential aminoacids, vitamins, minerals and Trace elements required by men. Digestion, Digestive enzymes, digestion, absorption and assimilation of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Intermediary metabolism, Respiration  Transport of respiratory gases by blood. Circulation: Types of heart.

Movement  Types of muscle cells, Ultra structure of muscle cells. Muscle contraction and types of contraction. Osmo-iono regulation: Maintenance of water and electrolyte Balance in equatic and terrestrial vertebrates.

Excretion: Vertebrate kidney and formation of urine. Excretion of nitrogeneous products. Renal regulation of acid-base balance. Thermoregulation: Temperature and rates of bio-logical activities.


Sensory physiology: Chemo-reception. Mechano-reception, Thermo-reception, Photoreception. Nervous coordinations: Transmission of impulses in nerve cells. Central Nervous system. Autonomic Nervous System. Memory and learning, Chemical coordination: Endocrine glands and harmones. Endocrine Interrelations. Neure endocrine reflexes. Growth and reproduction: Growth moulting and metamorphesis in crustaceans, Insects and vertebrates. Pheremones in reproduction. Physiology of human reproduction.

Developmental Biology and Immunology-Gametogensis  Organisation of egg cytoplosm. Fertilisation-Biochemical and Electron-Microscopic studies, Partherogenesis-Cleavage and Metphegenetic movements  Fate maps  presumptive. Organ forming areas  Formation of Primary organ rudiments  Gradients in the determination of organ rudiments  involvement of genes in developmental process  General Metabolism during gastrulation  Integration of gastrulation.

Organizer: Organegenesis with reference to heart, eye, brain and kidney.

Cell differentiation  The chemical basis of cell differentiation Selective action of genes in differentiation  Control of differentiation by the intraorganic environment.

Extra embroyonic membranes. Placenta-Sex differentiation and godadial hormones, congenital abnormalities in humans Growth, aging and senescence.


ANTIGEES AND ANTIBODIES  Specific and non-specific immune mechanism  Immunity (innate and acquired)  Antigenes  Heptens  Antigenic determinants  Adjuvants. Immunoglobulin molecules as antigenes  allotypes Immune system and lymphoid organs. Macrophages  T-Cell and B Cell Antibodies production Immune response: Humoral and cell mediated immunity  regulation of immune response  Tolerance  Antigen and antibody reaction  Physical and Biological  Vaccination  Allergy  AIDS  Congential immunodeficiencies.

Environmental Biology  Biotic and abiotic factors of the environment Biogeochemical Cycles  Eco System  Concepts. Resource Management  Ecological energetics; energy transformation, productivity – food chain  Food webs, Pyramids.


Zoogeography of Indian wild mammals. Indian primates  Natural Resources  Conversation of natural resources and wild life (Protection) Act. Wild life – Sancturies of Tamil Nadu. Environmental degradation – factors affecting environment. Patterns of Behaviour  Instinctive and learning behaviour  social behaviour  social organisation  Social behaviour in mammals  Aggression and courtship.

EVOLUTION: Origin of life  Theories of evolution evidences for evolution  Natural selection  Micro evolution  Hardy – Weinberg Equilibrium  genetic draft. Speciation  Mechanism of speciation  Phyletic and sudden speciation modes of gradual speciation  Incomplete species  Species problems  Allopatric and sympatric speciation.


Macro evolution:Â Geological records  Fessils and fessilization  evolutionary trends  Parallel evolution  Progressive and retrogressive trends  Rates of evolution.

Course of evolution: Chemical evolution  evolution of prokaryotic cells. Speculative origin of Eukaryotic cells  Origin of Metazea. Primate and Human Evolution  Human racial diversity  Theories of human racial origins  Future evolution of man.

MAN AND BIOSPHERE – Mans role in conservation of natural resources. Biosphere. Human activities that modify the biosphere. Human resource management. Tribals and biosphere. Future of man and biosphere.

Download TRB PG History Syllabus

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Unit -1

Sources of Indian  History  Geography of Indian- Harappan civilization  vedic age  Jainism and Buddhism  mauryas  Chandra gupta- Ashoka  mayuran administration  kanishka-Guptas  Sumudra Gupta Chandra gupta II  classical age  Harshavarthana.

Unit II

Arab conquest of sindh and muslim invasions slave dynasty  Alavuddin khilji  Thuglaqs- Society  Religion and culture  under the Vijayanger rule .

Unit III

Mughals- Babar to Aurangzeb  Shershah Suri- Administration  Society, Religion and Culture under the Mughals  Shivaji  Maratha administration

Unit  IV

Foundation of British rule in India  Robert Clive  Warren Hastings  Corn Wallis, Wellesley, Hastings, William Bentick  Dalhousie


Great Mutiny 1857  Social and religious reform movements in India in the nineteenth century  Indian  National Movement  Constitutional development in India from 1858 to 1947.

Unit  VI

Integration of Indian States  Republican Constitution of India, Gandhian and Nehru Eras  India€™s role in world affairs

Unit – VII

Sources of the History of Tamilnadu  Sangam age and its culture  Pallava dynasty  Social, Economic, Religious and Cultural developments under Pallvas  Imperial Cholas and their administration, Social Life, religion and culture.

Unit  VIII

Later Pandyas and the Muslim invasions in Tamil Nadu Thirumalainaikker  Later Polygar rebellion  Tamil Nadu and Freedom struggle  Social reform movements in Tamil Nadu  Political social and economic developments in Tamil Nadu since 1947.

Unit  IX

Geographical discoveries, Renaissance and Reformation Age of Enlightened depots  Industrial and Agrarian revolutions  French revolution  Napoleon  Congress of Vienna

Unit  X

Unification of Italy and Germany  Russian revolution  First World War and Peace Treaties  League of Nations, Rise of Dictatorships  Hitler, Mussolini and Kamal Paksha  II World War  U.N.O. and Cold War.

Download TRB PG Geography Syllabus

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Unit 1
Land forms :Land forms due to water action  wind action  wave action and glacial action  continental drift  plate tectonics  normal cycle of erosion  concept of davis penck.

Unit 2
Heat budget of the earth and admosphere  Indian monsoon  cyclones and anti cyclones  climatic classification of koppen and thernthwaite.

Unit 3
Population and settlement

World distribution of population  over population ,under population and optimum population- growth of population  theories of population  migration : Internal and international – Rural settlements  types of patterns  Urban settlements  Functional classification of towns and cities.

Unit 4
Environmental Studies

Ecosystem concepts  human impact on physical environments  natural hazards  Air, Land ,Water and Noise pollution  waste disposal and its effects on society  Environmental planning and management .

Unit 5
Geography of India

Division of india based on relief,climate soil and naturalvegatiton  Agricultural distribution  population distribution  Power production  Mineral distribution and a production  industrial regions  trade and transport  Urbanization.

Unit 6
Quantitative Techniques in Geography

Source of data  Geographic methods of sampling ; point ,line and area sampling  correlation and regression analysis  centrographic measures of mean and meadian centres and standard distance.

Unit 7
Regional analysis

Formal and functional region  regional hierarchy  regionalism  classification of region  Techniques of regional classification  simple feature and multifeature regions . Macro and micro regions of India  Regions planning in tamilnadu.

Unit 8
Geography of resources and industries

Meaning and nature of resources  Trends of resources  Development  Agricultural resources  Nature and types  food resources  major cereals,oil seeds,beverage crops ,sugarcane and sugarbeet  Animal and marine products  Energy resources  coal ,mineral oil ,H.E.P and Atomic Power production development and trends  industries  Iron and steel ,ship building ,automobiles,Textiles  cotton ,jute ,rayon and woolen  Petroleum refining  Petrochemical industries and fertiliser.

Unit – 9
Thematic Cartography

Compilation and generalization of maps  Map design and layout  Mapping of climatic ,Economic population and other social data  Map reproduction Signification of Air photos and satellite imagery in map making choropleth maps.

Unit 10
Geography of Tamilnadu

Relief and Drainage,Climate ,Vegetation  Floods and droughts  distribution of food crops and cash crops  animal Husbandry  Fisheries  Minerals  Industries  Power resources- Population and urban centres.

Download TRB PG Economics Syllabus

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Micro Economics-Theory of consumer behaviour–Cardinal and Ordinal approaches-Revealed preference Hypothesis-Hick's Revision of Demand Theory-Modern Utility, Analysis of Choice involving risks and uncertainties.


Production function-Linear, Homogeneous, Cobb-Dougles and C.E.S. Production functions-Short Run and Long Run cost curves Derivation of cost functions from productions functions-Least cost combination of factor inputs.


Market structure-Perfect competition-Monopoly and price Discrimination- Monopolistic competition-Oligopoly and models of Oligopoly.


Factor Prices and factor market-Pricing of factors of production-Theories of Rent- Wages- Interest-Profits.


Macro Economics-National Income and Social accounting-consumption function and its modern developments-investment function and its determinants.


Theories of Income and employment Classical theory-Bay's Law-Output and employment in classical theory-classical model with and without saving and investment-Keynesian theory of income and employment-Apprisal of Keyslan theory of employment-Post Keyneslon developments-Secular Stagnation-Real Balance effect.


Macro Theories of Distribution-Records-Kalecky-Lerner and Keynes-Dynamic adjustments of Is-LM Models-Modern Theories of Business Cycles-Kaldor Samuelson Harred and Hicks-Theory of inflation.


General Equilibrium Theory-Walraisian approach-Input Output analysis-Leonties's Input-Output Model-Open and closed Input Output Model Economic Policy-Monetary-Income and Fiscal Policies.

Unit IX

Money in Macro Economy-Classical approach-Keynesian approach-Post Keysian developments-Don Patinkin-Milton Friedman-Gurley shaw-The Demand for money-Classical Keysian and Post-Keynesian-Supply of Money-Classical Version.

Unit X

Central Bank and its functions-Money supply in India.



International monetary system and international capital movements-Tarrifs and quotas and their effects-EEC and regional arrangements by the developing countries-Trade problems in developing countries.


Fiscal Economics-Nature, Scope and importance-Principle of maximum social advantage-Principles of taxation-Taxable capacity-Types of taxes- Direct and Indirect taxes-Shifting and incidence of taxation.


Theories of Public expenditure-Canons of public expenditure-Growth of public expenditure in recent times-Public expenditure in India-Public debt- Burden and effects of Public debt-Methods of repayment of public debt-Public borrowing and development finance in India.


Budgetary procedure-Types of Budget-deficit financing and methods- Role and objectives of Budgetary policy-Budgetary trend in India since independence-Objectives and instruments of fiscal policy-Fiscal policy in India.


Principles of federal finance-Problems of allocation of Resources between Center and States-Fiscal relation between Center and State-Finance Commissions-Federal Finance in India-Local finance in India-Sources-functions growth structure and its defect.


Structure and character of Indian Economy-National income growth-Sectoral and Personal distribution-Inter State variation in National Income-Development Constraints in Indian Economy-Regional imbalance-problem of Poverty and unemployment.


Agriculture in India-Determinants of agricultural development-Institutional aspects-Land reforms-Agricultural finance and credit-Agricultural marketing and agricultural Price Policy-Modernisation of Agriculture-Green Revolution.


Industry in India –Structure and growth strength in Industry-Large and Small Industries-Industrial finance-Industrial Labour problems and Policies.


India's Economic policy-Planned Growth and Development-Role of Private and Public sectors-Planning models-Seventh and Eighth Five Year Plans-Ninth Five Year Plan and approach paper to Tenth Plan

Download TRB PG Commerce Syllabus

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Marketing  Fundamental Concepts and Approaches-Marketing Mix-Segmentation-Buyer behaviour, Four P’s Role of Middlemen Arguments FOR and AGAINST  Pricing policies and strategies.

Advertising-Media-Copy-Effectiveness-Consumer rights and protection  Recent Trends in Advertising.

Accounting for management-Functions and Benefits-Analysis and Inter pretation of financial statements-Ratios-Fund flow and Cash Flow-Budgetory Control.

Capital Expenditure decisions-Marginal costing and Break Even analysis – Managerial uses- Working capital forecast-Zero based -Budgeting.

Costing-Methods and Techniques of costing-Different cost concepts-Process-unit-Operating-job-contract, costing – CVP analysis-Profit planning.

Differential costing-Reconciliation of costing and trading Profits-Allocation and apportionment of overheads.

Entreprenential Development-Functions and kinds of Entrepreneurs-Traits-Women entrepreneurs-Incentives and subsidies- Consideration and Factors in setting up of an Unit Sources of Finance-Venture Capital-Forms of organization-Project Appraisal Techniques.

Role of Banks in EDP-TRYSEM  Self employment-SEEUY-SEPUP-DICS- Industrial Estate-Role of SIDCO, SIPCOT in Tamil Nadu TCO’s- Problems of small Entrepreneurs-Sickness of small scale units-Causes and revival.

Statistics-Importance- Scope-Primary and Secondary DATA  Collection  Tabulation and Analysis  Measures of Central Tendency  Dispersion  Correlation- Regression Theories of Analysis  Chi-square Test.

Sampling  Probability  Time Series Index numbers  Skewnes and Kurtosis.

Accounting Concepts and conventions-Amalgamation, Absorption and Reconstruction of companies.

Company Liquidator’s Final statement- Different Methods of valuation of shares and Goodwill.

International Trade – B.O.P.  Tariffs, Quotas and Licences-Terms of Trade  World Lending Bodies  IMF, IBRD AND ADB  Impact of liberalizations, privatization and Globalisation.

Export Promotion-Institutional Arrangements-EOU-EPZ-EOGC-SEZ EXIM Bank-STC-Multinational Corporations and Joint Ventures Abroad-EEC- Group of 8, G15-WTO – UNCTAD-IMf and SDR-International liquidity-International Chamber of Commerce-Recent Foreign Trade Policy of India  Euro currency.

Banking and Finance-Innovative Services of Modern Commercial Banks in India  Short-term instruments – Certificate of Deposits and Commercial papers- Diversification of Banking-Financial Services-Leasing-Credit Cards-Mutual Funds-Merchant Banking-Factoring Services  Credit rating  E banking.

Capital Market  Institutions and Instruments used-Development Banks (IDBI IFCI ICICI AND IIB) – Appraisal of term Loans – Regulation of Stock Market  Investor Protection  Dematerialisation and Depositories.

Company Law and Auditing-Concept of company-Legal Features- Promotion and Formation of Companies  Memorandum and Articles of Association  Alteration of Directors-Winding up of companies-Duties of a Company Secretary relating to Meetings.

Auditing  Scope Nature and objects of Auditing Kinds-Audit Programme- Internal Control-Internal Check and Internal Audit- Vouching-Verification of Assets and Liabilities-Auditors-Appointment-Duties and Liabilities-Investigation and Audit.

Direct Taxes and Tax planning: Income Tax  Basic concepts Incomes exempt from Tax Residential Status- Heads of Income- Salary Income  Meaning-Allowances and Prequisites- Provident Funds  Income from house property  Self occupied and Letout- Deductions  Profits and Gains from Business and Profession  Capital Gains  Deductions and Rebates allowed  Computation of CTI- Income from other sources.

Income Tax authorities  Powers  Filing of Returns- Types of Assessment  Wealth Tax Act 1957 – Concept of Tax Planning  Objectives- Systems and Methods- Factors in Tax planning- Tax Avoidance and Evation  Personal Tax planning  Various savings schemes.

Download TRB PG Home Science Syllabus

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Methods of Collecting data- Conducting statistical enquiries to collect primary data. Source of secondary data – Preparation of schedules and questionnaire. Pretesting data. Interview Methods of enquiry.

Classification and organization of data collected classification by categories and measurement- Discreets and continuous variables. Tabulation schemes – Preparation of tabular forms- Methods of securing accuracy in tabulation.

Measures of Central Tendency- The mean, median and mode, their relative advantages and disadvantages. Measures of dispersion. The mean deviation, standard deviation, quartile deviation – coefficient of variation.

Graphic and Diagrammatic Representation- Bar diagrams, Pie diagrams, scatter diagrams, Histograms, frequency polygons, frequency curve, ogive, logarithmic graphs.

Microbiological Intoxications and Infections. Toxin production significance of toxic organism like clostridium botulinum, staphylococci and clostridium perfringes. Sources of infection through foods by pathogenic organisms. Symptoms and methods of control and prevention of infection.

Food Hygiene- Sources of contamination of food. Microbial indicators of hygiene. Significance of cleaning and sanitizing agents. Hygienic handling, processing and packaging of food. Lessons for India.

Application of art principles in interior decoration. Colour scheme for different rooms, furniture arrangement, flower arrangement and accessories. Optical illusion in interior decoration.

Clothing selection. Importance of clothing and accessories to express individually and distinction in apperance. Application of basic art principles in achieving a pleasing personality. Study of figure irregularities and methods of minimizing the effect.

Nutrition in pregnancy and lactation. Physiological implication of pregnancy and lactation. Nutritional requirements during pregnancy and lactation. Impact of nutrition on the outcome of pregnancy and efficiency of milk production. Public Health measures for the pregnant and lactating mothers.

Nutrition in Infancy. Physical and mental development- prenatal and postnatal. Nutritional requirements during infancy. Feeding of infants- value of breast feeding versus artificial feeding. Types of milk and their use in infant feeding. Weaning- Supplementary foods and infant weaning foods. Nutritional disorders infancy. Common diseases in infancy. Feeding the sick child. Immunisation schedule.

Unit-XI Management as a system
Definition of system components of Management system-Input, throughput, output and feedback. Characteristics of system. Factors influencing management

Unit-XII Time and energy management
Factors affecting use of time. Tools in time management. Effective use of body- body mechanics in energy management.
Types and causes of fatigue work simplification- techniques and principles- Ideas for simplifying work tasks.
Unit-XIII Financial Management

Values and goals in financial management. Income- Types of income- Expenditure budgeting. Savings- types and institutions. Use of credits. Records in maintaining accounts.

Unit-XIV Communication

Meaning and importance of communication. Communication and social changes. Communication process. Factors affecting communications. Barriers in communication. Growing popularity of mass media communication. Recent trends in communication media.

Unit-XV Food Science

Changes in food due to cooking, physical and physic –chemical changes in foods in relation to cookery, gel formation, denaturation of protein. Properties of Colloids, emulsion. Stabilisers and browning reactions.

Unit-XVI Dietetics

Theraputic adaptation of normal diet, calculation and Planning of normal diet. Modification of diets in relation of gastro intestinal disorders including those of the liver. Cardiovascular conditions and renal disorders.

Unit-XVII Nutrition needs

Preschool age, school age, adolescence, adult and old age, Growth and development during preschool and schoolage. Changes of growth during adolescence. Prevalence of malnutrition in children and adolescents. Supplementary foods- Feeding programmes.

Unit-XVIII Community Nutrition

Assessment of nutritional status- Need for assessment methods, anthropometry, clinical assessment, food weighment and biological analysis.

Organisation working for nutritional improvement Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Indian Council of Medical Research, State Nutrition Councils and Bureaus, Extension programmes. The Applied Nutrition Programme, ICDS, SNP etc., Central Food Technological Research Institute, Voluntary Bodies, special programmes such and Nutrition Noon Meal Scheme. Midday Meal programmes International Organisations such as FAO, WHO, UNICEF, CARE, AFPRO, CWS, CRS, IBP, World Bank and others.

Unit-XIX Textile Design

Printing and dyeing. Different methods of hand printing- Block printing, Resist printing methods- Stenciling, tie and dye, screen printing and bathik.


Sources of consumer Information and protection- Information- Advertisement display, labels, journals and magazines.

Protection- Standardisation, ISC standards, consumer organizations.

Download TRB PG Botany Syllabus

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i)Viruses –A general account of viruses-Their nature origin purification symptematology methods, transmission and control measures of viruses – Vector relationships, multiplication, Bacterial viruses, algal viruses and mycoviruses.

ii)Bacteria-A general account of bacteria with reference to cell morphology, appendages, envelops and nutrition, growth and reproduction, structure and replication of nucleic acids in Bacteria plasmids and gene manipulation, classification as per Bergey Manual (1973) economic importance of bacteria.

iii)Thallophytes – a) Algae: A comparative study of the range of structure, organisation, reproduction, life history and classification of algae (Bold and Wynne, 1978). Ecology of Algae-Productivity in the sex, algae as indicators meant of pollutions, algicides, economic importance of algae.

b) Fungi -Classification (Alexopoules and Mims 1979). A systematic study of the range of structure, reproduction, life cycles phylogeny and affinities of the main classes of fungi; Economic importance of fungi.

c) Lichens –A general account of lichens – Structure, nutrition; reproduction, classification and economic importance of lichens.



a) Plant Pathology –A general account of plant disease due to fungi, bacteria and viruses with special reference to India Hostmicrobe interaction, principles of disease control, (physical, chemical and biological methods).

b) Microbiology-Soil microbiology-Soil microbes N2 fixation and Bio-geochemical cycles-Food and Water microbiology-Microbial flora of fresh and spoiled foods-Industrial microbiology-Industrial applications of microbes for the manufacture of Alcohols S.C.P. organic acids.


i) Bryophytes: Classification (Watson 1963)-Ecology and distribution-Range of structure in gametophyte and sporophyte and their evolutionary trends – Reproduction and Economic importance of Bryophvtes.

ii) Pteridophytes: Classification (Sporne 1976) – Distribution of extinct and extant forms – comparative study of morphology anatomy of sporophytes-Structure and development of gametophytes of the major groups (Psilopsida Lycopsida Sphenopsida and peteropsida).

iii) Gymnosperms: Classification (Sporne 1977) – Distribution of extinct and extant forms – Comparative study of morphology, anatomy and reproductions of major groups – Cycadopsida coniferopsida and Gnetopsida evolution of male and female gametophytes and Economic importance.


i) Morphology: The plant body, the root system, the stem the leaf, the inflorescence, the flower, pollination and fertilization, the fruit and the seed, dispersal of fruits and seeds, vegetative reproduction and Germination.

ii) Taxonomy: History and classification-Artificial system-Linnaeus, Natural system-Jessieu De candolle, Bentham and Hooker, Phylogenetic system-Engler and PrantD. Bessey Hutchinson Recent Trends in systematics-Cyto-taxonomy, Chemotaxonomy, numerical taxonomy.International code of Botanical nomenclature, Herbarium techniques, A critical study of the following families: Ranunculiaceae Magnoliaceae, Polygalacea, Caryophyllaceae, Rubiaceae, Meliaceae, Lythraceae, Cactaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Oleaceae, Aristalochaceae, Casuarinaceae, Dioscoriaceae, Bignoniaceae, Solanaceae, Lauraceae, Loranthaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Arecaceae, Typhaceae and Poaceae.

iii) Economic Botany: Food crops, Cereals, millets, legumes nuts and tropical fruits, sugar yielding crops  spices Beverage plants  Timbers and pulp yielding plants  Minor forest products  Resins, gums, tannin and rubber yielding plants  oil yielding plants  medicinal plants  fibre yielding plants.


i) Cell Biology: Cytological methods-auto radio graphy  Isolation of cellular components  Fixation  staining  prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. Ultra structure and molecular organization of cell-cell wall, plasma membrane, Endoplasmic reticulam, Mitrochondria, Lysosomes and other cell organelle.Plastids  Classication, morphology, structure  functions Cytoplasm  Physical and Chemical properties.Nucleus  morphology, structure and chemistry  Cell division  Mitosis, meiosis, meiosis and their significance chromosome  morphology, fine structure, Types  giant chromosome, Isochromosome.

ii) Genetics: Mendelian and non-mendelian inheritance  linkage and crossing over. Mutation  Mutagenic agents  structural and chemical basis of mutations in plants cytoplasmic inheritance, Male steribity in plants  Sex determination in plants  sex linked inheritance.Chromosomal aberrations.Molecular genetics  Nucleic acids as genetic material  Types of Nucleic acids  Replication of DNA  Methods and models in DNA repair mechanism  Enzymes  split genes  Jumping and mobilic genes  concepts of gene  Cistron, Muton and recon.


i) Anatomy: Meristems  General account, classification, various concepts of apical organization of shoots and root apices.Procambium, Cambium and their relationship.

Development of Secondary vascular tissues.

Simple tissues, conductive tissues  Xylem & Phloem.

Wood anatomy  variations in wood structure  tyloses  Heartwood and sapwood  growthrings.

Microtomy: Use of Rotary and Sledge microtomes  whole mounts  Paraffin method  clearing and macerations.

Fixation and fixatives: Staining and stains  Histo  chemistry  cellulose, lignin, enzymes, proteins and nucleic acids.

ii) Embryology : Microsporogenesis and structure of micro-sporangium  Male gametophte.Mega sporogenesis and structure of megasporangium  Female gaetophyte.Present concept of fertlization, endosperm types  Endosperm haustoria.


i) Plant Physiology: Water relations of plants  Mechanisms; of absorption of water  passive and active  apoplast symplast concept.Stomatal mechanism and Transpiration  Ascent of Sap. Mineral nutrition  Methods of studying plant nutrition.Essential elements  macro and micro nutrients.Asorption of solutes translocation of solutes  pathway and mechanism.

Photosynthesis  Properties of light  interaction between radiant energy and matter.Photosynthetic pigments and pigments and pigment systems.Hill Reaction  Photochemical reaction, Photophosphorylation  Cyclic and non-cyclic and calvincycle.

Respiration  Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, Electron Transport Nitrogen metabolism  Sources of soil nitrogen, Nitrogen fixation.Legume-Rhizobium symbiosis  biochemistry and physiology.Growth and Development  auxins, cytokinins. Gibberellins, phytochromes  role and mode of action.

ii) Bio-chemistry: Chemistry of carbohydrates  classification  structure and function, lipids  classification, occurrence, structure and importance of lipids and phosphates.

Proteins  structure, properties and classification of aminoacids  peptides  structural organization and classification of proteins Nucleic acids  chemistry of Nucleic acids  structure and properties, location and biological significance of DNA  different types ofRNA, their origin, properties and fuctions.

Enzymes  Properties, mode of action, nomenclature and classification  factors affecting enzyme activity.


i) Plant Breeding: Methods of improvement of crops.Plant introduction  Selection  Heterosis Hybridization  Polyploidy  Mutation breeding.

ii) Bio-Technology: Scope and importance of Bio-technology  Basic techniques  Transformation of E.coli cutting and joining DNA molecules  vectors  Plasmids.Cesmids.Application of recombinant DNA technology in Enzyme engineering  industries in prevention, diagnosis fermentation and cure of diseases (medicine) in the production of bio-fertilisers, bio-insecticides, Tissue culture.


i) Ecology: Importance of ecology, Ecological factors  their classification and interaction Edaphic factors  Water factors  Fire factors  Biotic factor.Synecology  classification of plant communities Raunkiaer’s life  forms  Ecological succession  causes and effects climax concept.Eco system  components and inter relationship.Bio-geo-chemical cycles.

ii) Plant Geography:Principles of Plant Geography Dispersal and migration  Types  Age and Area hypothesis  continuous range, cosmopolitan, circum polar, circum boreal and circum austral, pantropical Discontinuous distribution  Wegner’s theory of continental drift.


i)Palaeo Botany:Geological time scale  Techniques of fossil study  Types of fossils and different methods of fossilization  Radio carbondating  study of fossil forms in algae, bryophytes, pteriodophytes and Gymnosperms.Conservation of fossil fuels.

Download TRB PG Chemistry Syllabus

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Periodic properties  Atomic radius  ionic radius, ionization potential, electron affinity and electronegativity  Their significance in chemical bonding.

VB theory, MO theory  applications  Comparision of VB and MO theories  VSEPR theory  Bond order  Bond energy  Bond length Bond polarity  Partial ionic character of bonds  The concept of multi-centre bond  Electron deficient compounds  Hydrogen bond  Its influences.

Non aqueous solvents  A general study of typical reactions in non aquieous media  comparison with reactions in aqueous media.

Solid state chemistry  Ionic bonding  Lattice energy  Born equation  Born Haber cycle  Radius ratio rule  Born Meyer equation  Kapustinski’s Modification  energetics of the dissolution of ionic compounds in polar solvents  different types of electostatic interactions.

Structural aspects of solids  Fourier synthesis and analysis structure factors  scattering factors  Spinels and Inverse spinels  defects in stoinchiometric and Non stoichiometric crystals.

Electrical properties of solids  Band theory semi conductors  Junction devices  Super conductivity  Ionic conductivity  Optical properties of solids  Lasers and phosphors  Photovoltaic effect  solar energy.

Magnetic properties of solids  Different types  dia, para, ferro, antiferro and ferri Magnetism  Magnetic hysteresis.

Unit II

Co-ordination chemistry  Methods of preparation of complexes  isomerism in complexes  applications of complex formation in analytical chemistry  complexes and their stability chelate effect Stability constants  Their determination  complexes of Metals in different oxidation states and their stability.

Optical activity and concept of chirality  Different kinds of opticalloy active compounds  configuration  Foscher, sawhorse and Newman projections  Absolute configuration R and S Notations  Methods with more than one chiral center  Asymmetric synthesis  optical purity.

Geometrical isomerism resulting from double bonds  The E.Z. system of nemenclature  Geometrical isomerism of monocyclic compounds and fused ring systems  Sterospecific and stereo selective reactions with examples.

Confermational analysis  conformation and reactivity in acylic and cyclo  hexane systems  conformation of decalins, cyclohexane and cyclohexanone.

Unit III

Organic reaction mechanisms  General methods of investigating reaction mechanisms  kinetic and non-kinetic methods  different types of reaction intermediates.

Aliphatic nucleophilic substituion SN1, SN2 and SNi reactions  substitution at vinylic and benzylic carbon  stereo chemistry of nucleophilic reaction  solvents and substituent effects  Nucleophilicity Neighboring group participation.

Addition to double and triple bonds  Mechanism Hydration  Hydroboration  Hydroxiylation  epoxidation.

Elimination reactions E1, E2, E1cB Mechanism  Orientation effects in elimination reactions  stereo chemistry of elimination reactors – dehydration of alcohols  dehydro halogenation  cope elemination.

Heterocyclics  synthesis and reactivity of furan, thiophene, pyrrole pyridine, quinoline, isoquinoline, Indole, flavenes, and anthocyanins  skraup synthesis  Fischer indole synthesis.

The chemistry ;of natural products structure elucidations and Biogenesis of the following:

Alkaloids : Reticulene, Reserpine, Morphine

Terpenoids : Zingiberene, Squalene, Lanosteroal

Steroids : Cholesterol, Oestrone, Progresterone

Carbohydrates: Maltose, Starch, Cellulose (biogenis not expected)

Structure and functions of biopolymer such as proteins and Nucleic acids  Primary, Secondary and tertiary structures of proteins  Mechanism of Enzyme action  DNA and RNA.

Unit IV

The old quantum theory  Inadequacy of classical mechanics  Failure of classical mechanics  success of quantum hypothesis explaining black body radiation  Photo electric effect  the hydrogen spectrum  Bohr’s explanation of hydrogen spectrum  Failure of Bohr’s model.

De broglie’s postulates of Matter waves  experimental observation ofmatter waves  Heisenberg’s uncertainly principle  wave particle dualism  Davisson, Garmer experiments  Postulates of quantum mechanics  Time dependent schrodinger equation  Needs of an acceptable wave function  Physical significance of Psi function.

Operators in quantum mechanics.Operator algebra  Linear and Hermitian operators m Eigen functions and Eigen values  Hamiltonian operators  Angular momentum.

Application of schrodinger equation  particle in one and three dimensional boxes  quantum mechanical results for a simple harmonic oscillaltor and rigid rotator – approxination methods  perturbation methods  variation method  VB and MO methods.

Symmetry elements and symmetry operations  Point groups  representation of groups reducible and irreducible representations characters tables  Orthogonality theorem and its consequences.

Symmetry selection rule for IR and Ramanspectra  Systematic procedure for determining symmetries of normal modes of vibration  symmetry applied to MO theory and orbital hybridization.

Unit V

Thermodynamic equations of state  closed and open systems  partial molal quantities  chemical potential with temperature and pressure  third law of thermodynamics.

Fugacity  methods of determination  activity and activity co-efficient  standard states for gases, liquids  solids and solutions  mean activity co-efficients of electrolytes.

Maxwell’s distribution of molecular velocities  derivation of expression for average, most probable and rcot mean square velocities  Microstates Macrostates  partial functions  Sackur tetrode equation  statistical approach to the third law of Thermodynamics  Maxwell Boltzmann  Bose Einstein and Fermi Dirace statistics  Heat capacities of solids  Einstein and Debye Models Low temperature  Negative absolute temperature.

Chemical equilibrium  thermodynamic derivation of equilibrium constant  standard free energy  calculations.

Phase equilibrium  thermodynamic derivation of phase rule application of phase rule  three component systems.

Chromotography  column, paper, thinlayer, gas-liquid, High pressure liquid chromatography HPLC principle and applications.

Thermal analysis  different thermal analysis (DTA)  Principle and applications  thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) Principle and application.

Chemical crystallography  Diffraction methods  X ray Neutron, electron diffraction methods.Principle and applications.

Polarimetry  Circular ichroism  Optical Rotatory dispersion(ORD) Principle and applications.

Unit VI

Nuclear  chemistry  Nuclear nadii spin and moments  Nuclear structure  Nuclear forces  Nuclear stability  Nuclear modes  Modes of Radioactivity decay.Nuclear isomerisation Nuclear Reaction Energy  Coulomb barrier cross section  excitation function  Radiactive Equiliberia  Types of Neclear reactions  Nuclear fision Nuclear Reactors  Atomic Power Project in India  Radiation hazards  Radiation desimetry  Nuclear fusion  Stellar Energy.

Application of Radioactivity  Tracer Techniques  Neutron –
Activation analysis  Isotope Dilution Analysis  Interaction of radiation with matter  Range of alpha and beta particles  Absorption co-efficient,.

Orgnometallic compounds  Metallecences  Arene complexes  Nonaromatie olefins and acetylenes complexes  catalysis by organometallic compounds Wilkinson’s catalyst  Oxoprocess  wecker process  Ziegler  Natta catalysis.

Inorganic photo chemistry  Photochemical reactions of coordination and organ metallic compounds  Properties of excited states  charge transfer photo Oxidation, photo reduction, photo substitution, photo isomerisation – Photo chemical conversion  Solar energy.

Unit VII

Term symbols and term states  Dn– ions energy levels  Diagrams weakfield and strong field and strong field concepts  spin orbit coupling  The Nephelanxetic effect charge transfer spectra  Applications of UV, IR, NMR, BSR and mossbaver spectroscopy techniques in the study of co-ordination chemistry.

Magnetic interactions  Magnetic susceptibilities determination  application in co-ordination chemistry.Application of VB, MO, CF and LF theories in co-ordination chemistry  Group theoretical approach  splitting of d-orbitals  spectro-chemical series  concept of weak and strong fields  Thermodynamic and chemical effect of d-orbitals splitting  Jahn Teller distortion.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy  Theory  Study of PMR  chemical shift  Type of shielding  Spin-spin coupling spin decoupling  spplications to simple natural products.

Electron spin resonance spectro scopy  paramagnetism  Nuclear hyperfine structure  Hyperfine coupling.


Huckel’s rule and concept of aromaticity  aromaticity of Benzenoid  Nonbenzenoid aromatics.The annulenes– Aromaticity in charged rings and fused ring systems.Aromatic electrophilic substitution  Mechanism and reactivity, Typical reactions to include diazonium coupling  Halognation, sulphonation.Friedal craft alkylation and acylation.Aromatic Nucleophilic substitution  Benzyne mechanism  Examples.Oxidation  Reduction reactions  Mechanisms  selectivity in oxidations and reductions.

Molecular rearrangements  Rearrangements with Carbon to Nitrogen, Carton to Oxygen and Carbon migrations.Curtivs, Lossen, Schmitts Baeyer  Villiger, Pinacol  Pinacolene, Benzoil  Benzilicacid, Benzidine, Favorski and fries rearrangements  sigmatropic rearragements  claisen and cope.Pericyclic reactions, selection rules  orbital symmetry  Electrocyclic reactions  cycle additions sigmatropic reactions.

Modern synthetic reactions  Diels alder reaction witting reactions  stork Enamine reactions  Mannich reactions, Birch reductions.

Unit IX

Theories of reaction rates  simple collision theory  absolute reaction rate theory (ARRT)  Reaction co-ordinate  Potential energy surfaces.Hammett  Taft equation  Hammett acidity function  Acid base catalysis Bronsted relation Enzyme catalysis  Michaelis Menton Law  influence of PH and temperature.Surface phenomenon  Heterogeneous catalysis  Absorption isotherms.Electrolytic conductance  applications  solubility product  Interionic attraction theory  Debye  Huckel  Onsager equation  equivalent conductivity of electro lytes.

Electro potentials  Electrochemical cells  electrode  electrolyte interface  electrical double layer electro capillary phenomena  electro kinetic Phenomena  Membrane potential  Polarisation  over potential  Polarography  concentration polarization  electro chemical polarization  sutler  Volmer equation.

Unit X

Theory and applications of the following spectroscopic methods; electonics spectra-UV-Visible spectra  IR spectra  Raman spectra  Laser  Raman spectra  NMR  WCR- ESR Spectra  Mossbaver spectro scopy  photoelectron spectro scopy  Poly

merisation reactions  Mechanism  sterochemical aspects.Types of polymers  organic and inorganic polymers  preparation  properties  structure  polystyrene  Polyvinylchloride  Polyesters  Nylon  Phenol resin  amino resins  epoxy resins.Phosphonitrilic compounds  silicons  Borazines applications of polymers

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Unit-I  MODERN LITERATURE (1400-1600)


For Detailed Study

Chaucer'  Prologue to the Canterbury Tales

Spenser'  Faerie Queene – Book-I

For Non-detailed Study

Spenser'  Prothalamion and Epithalamion

Wyatt, Surrey:  Selections in Peacock’s English verse, Vol-I

Ballads'  Peacock – Vol-II


For Detailed Study

Bacon – Essays   Truth, Of Adversity, Of Studies,

Of Revenge, Of Ambition, Of Friendship

Sidney'  Apologie For Poetrie

For Non-detailed Study

The Bible  The Book of Job.


For Detailed Study

Marlowe  Dr. Faustus

For Non-Detailed Study

Kyd  The Spanish Tragedy

Ben Jonson The Alchemist

Unit-II – MODERN LITERATURE (1600-1798)


For Detailed study

Donne  Canonisation, The Ecstasie

Milton Paradise Lost, Book-IX

Pope The Rape of the Lock.

For Non-detailed Study

Milton Samson Agonistes

Gray, Collins & Blake:  Peacock’s English Verse – Vol-III

Herbert'  1. Affliction 2. The Pulley

Marvell'  To His Coy Mistress


For Detailed Study

Johnson  Life of Milton

For Non-Detailed Study

Bunyan'  The Pilgrim’s Progress

Fielding :  Tom Jones


For Detailed Study

Dryden'  All for Love

Sheridan  The School for Scandal

For Non-detailed Study :

Congreve  The way of the World

Goldsmith  She stoops to conquer

Unit-III – MODERN LITERATURE (1798 – 1832)


For Detailed Study

Wordsworth :  Immortality Ode, Tintern Abbey

Coleridge  Ode to Dejection, Kubla Khan

Keats Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode to Autumn.

Shelley'  Ode to the West Wind

For Non-Detailed Study

Wordsworth :  Prelude – Book-I

Shelley'  Adonais


For Detailed Study

Lamb Essays of Elia

Christ’s Hospital, The South Sea House, Dream children, New Year’s Eve

Hazlitt  My First Acquaintance with Poets.

For Non-Detailed Study

Shelley'  A Defence of Poetry

Wordsworth :  Preface to the Lyrical Ballads (1850)

Jane Austen'  Emma

Emily Bronte:  Wuthering Heights

Unit-IV – MODERN LITERATURE (1832 to the present day)


For Detailed Study:

Arnold  Dover Beach, The Scholar Gypsy

Browning  Andrea Del Sarto

Tennyson  Morte D’ Arthur

W.B.Yeats  Byzantium

Eliot The Waste land

For Non-Detailed Study:

Hopkins  The Wreck of the Deutschland

The selections from

(i) Owen (ii) W.H.Auden (iii) Stephen Spender in the Faber Book of Modern Verse.


For Detailed Study:

Carlyle'  The Hero as a Man of Letters

(from “On Heroes and Hero Worship”)

Mathew Arnold: The Study of Poetry

T.S.Eliot  Tradition and Individual Talent

For Non-detailed Study:

Dickens  Great Expectations

George Elliot   Middle March

Hardy  :  Jude the Obscure

Virginia Woolf  To the Light House

Graham Greene  The Power and the Glory



For Detailed Study

Macbeth, The Tempest

For Non-Detailed Study

HenryIV Part-I:  Measure for Measure

Antony and Cleopatra

A general knowledge of the other plays, poems and sonnets of Shakespeare is expected of the andidates.



Detailed study

Walt Whitman  Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking

Emily Dickinson  Because I could not Stop for Death

Robert Frost   Mending Wall, Birches, West Running Brook.

Sylvia Plath  Daddy

Non-Detailed Study

Walt Whitman  Passage to India

E.E.Cummings  The Cambridge Ladies

Hart Crane  Poem: To Brooklyn Bridge.


Mark Twain  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Melville  Moby Dick

Hemingway  The Old Man and the Sea


Detailed study

Emerson  The American Scholar

Faulkner  Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech.

Non-Detailed Study

Thoreau  Walden

James Thurcer  The Owl in the Attic


Detailed study

Eugene O’ Neil  The Hairy Ape

Arthur Miller  : The Death of a Salesman

Non-Detailed Study

Tennesse Williams  A Street Car named Desire

Edward Albee  Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?



Detailed Study:

Tagore'  Gitanjali

Aurobindo  Thought the Paraclete

Non-Detailed Study:

Poems of Sarojini Naidu and Toru Dutt from the Golden Treasury of Indian Poetry.

Poems of A.K.Ramanujam, R. Parthasarathy, Kamala Das and Nissim Ezekiel from “Ten Twentieth entury Indian Poets” ed. R.Parthasarathy.


Mulk Raj Anand  Coolie

Raja Rao  Kantapura

R.K.  Narayan :  The English Teacher

Kamala Markandaya: A Handful of Rice.


Detailed Study:

Ananda Commarasamy Aurobindo:The Dance of Shiva (The Title Essay)

Non-Detailed Study:

Nehru   An Autobiography


Detailed Study:

Tagore  Muktha Dhara

Girish Karnad  Tughlaq

Non-Detailed Study:

Gurucharan Das  Larine Sahib

Commonwealth Literature


Non-Detailed Study:

E.J. Pratt  The Dying Eagle

Judith Wright  Fire in the Murdering Hut, The Cedars

Wole Soyinka  The Telephone conversation

Abioseh Nicoll  The Meaning of Africa

A.D.Hope  Australia


Detailed Study

Wole Soyinka  The Lion and the Jewel

NonDetailed Study

Douglas Stewart  Ned Kelly


Chinua Achebe  : The Novelist as Teacher


Chinua Achebe  : Things Fall Apart

Alan Paten  : Cry, the Beloved Country


1. Modern Drama

2. Modern Fiction

3. Literary Movements

4. Literary Criticism and Theory

5. Feminism

6. Teaching of English in India

7. Journalism and Creative Writing in English

8. Post  Modernism


1. Origin of Language

2. Place of English in the Indo-European family

3. General Characteristics of Old and Middle English

4. The rise and growth of Modern English

5. Growth of Vocabulary Greek, Latin, French, Italian, Scandinavian and other foreign influences  Word Formation.

6. Change of Meaning

7. The Makers of English, The Bible, Spenserm, Shakespeare, Milton and Dr.Johnson.

8. American English

9. Indian English

10. Characteristics of Modern English

11. Spelling Reform

12. The English Lexicon

Books for reference:

1) Henry Bradley:  The Making of English

2) F.T.Wood :  An outline History of the English Language

3) A.C.Baugh :  A History of the English Language


Definitions  The Nature and Scope of linguistics, Speech and Writing,

Form and Meaning

Words, Clause and Phrase  Concord Government Sentence Pattern



Idiolect, Dialect

Transformational Generative Grammar

Books for Study

Frank Plalee  : Grammar, ELBS

John Lyons  : An introduction to Theoretical linguistics


1. Aristotle  : Poetics

2. Dryden  : Essay of Dramatic Poesy

3. Coleridge  : Biographia Literaria Ch.XIV and Ch.XVII

4. Keats  : Letters (from English Critical Tradition-Macmillan)

5. T.S.Elliot  : Metaphysical poets

6. I.A.Richards  : Four kinds of Meaning

7. William Empson  : The Seventh Type of Ambiguity

8. Northrop Frye  : The Archetypes of Literature

9. L.Trilling  : Sense of the Past

10. Brooks  : Irony as a Principle of Structure

11. Allen Tate  : Tension in Poetry

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Unit-IÂ – Algebra

Groups  Examples  Cyclic Groups- Permulation Groups  Lagrange's theorem- Cosets  Normal groups – Homomorphism  Theorems  Cayley's theorem – Cauchy's Theorem – Sylow's theorem – Finitely Generated Abelian Groups  Rings- Euclidian Rings- Polynomial Rings- U.F.D. – Quotient – Fields of integral domains- Ideals- Maximal ideals – Vector Spaces – Linear independence and Bases – Dual spaces – Inner product spaces – Linear transformation  rank – Characteristic roots of matrices – Cayley Hamilton Theorem – Canonical form under equivalence  Fields – Characteristics of a field – Algebraic extensions – Roots of Polynomials – Splitting fields – Simple extensions  Elements of Galois theory- Finite fields.

Unit-II – Real Analysis

Cardinal numbers – Countable and uncountable cordinals – Cantor's diagonal process – Properties of real numbers – Order – Completeness of R-Lub property in R-Cauchy sequence – Maximum and minimum limits of sequences – Topology of R.Heine Borel – Bolzano Weierstrass – Compact if and only if closed and bounded – Connected subset of R-Lindelof's covering theorem – Continuous functions in relation to compact subsets and connected subsets- Uniformly continuous function  Derivatives – Left and right derivatives – Mean value theorem – Rolle's theorem- Taylor's theorem- L' Hospital's Rule – Riemann integral – Fundamental theorem of Calculus Lebesgue measure and Lebesque integral on R'Lchesque integral of Bounded Measurable function – other sets of finite measure – Comparison of Riemann and Lebesque integrals – Monotone convergence theorem – Repeated integrals.

Unit-III – Fourier series and Fourier Integrals

Integration of Fourier series – Fejer's theorem on (C.1) summability at a point – Fejer's-Lebsque theorem on (C.1) summability almost everywhere  Riesz-Fisher theorem – Bessel's inequality and Parseval's theorem – Properties of Fourier co-efficients – Fourier transform in L (-D, D) – Fourier Integral theorem – Convolution theorem for Fourier transforms and Poisson summation formula.

Unit-IV – Differential Geometry

Curves in spaces – Serret-Frenet formulas – Locus of centers of curvature – Spherical curvature – Intrinsic equation  Helices – Spherical indicatrix surfaces  Envelope – Edge of regression – Developable surfaces associated to a curve – first and second fundamental forms – lines of curvature – Meusnieu's theorem – Gaussian curvature – Euler's theorem – Duplin's Indicatrix – Surface of revolution conjugate systems – Asymptritic lines – Isolmetric lines  Geodesics.

Unit-V – Operations Research

Linear programming – Simplex Computational procedure – Geometric interpretation of the simplex procedure – The revised simplex method – Duality problems – Degeneracy procedure – Peturbation techniques – integer programming – Transportation problem  Non-linear programming – The convex programming problem – Dyamic programming – Approximation in function space, successive approximations – Game theory – The maximum and minimum principle – Fundamental theory of games – queuing theory / single server and multi server models (M/G/I), (G/M/I), (G/G1/I) models, Erlang service distributions cost Model and optimization – Mathematical theory of inventory control – Feed back control in inventory management – Optional inventory policies in deterministic models – Storage models – Damtype models – Dams with discrete input and continuous output – Replacement theory – Deterministic Stochostic cases – Models for unbounded horizons and uncertain case – Markovian decision models in replacement theory – Reliability – Failure rates – System reliability – Reliability of growth models – Net work analysis – Directed net work – Max flowmin cut theorem – CPM-PERT – Probabilistic condition and decisional network analysis.

Unit-VI – Functional Analysis

Banach Spaces – Definition and example – continuous linear transformations – Banach theorem – Natural embedding of X in X – Open mapping and closed graph theorem – Properties of conjugate of an operator – Hilbert spaces – Orthonormal bases – Conjugate space HÂ – Adjoint of an operator – Projections- l2as a Hilbert space  lpspace – Holders and Minkowski inequalities – Matrices  Basic operations of matrices – Determinant of a matrix – Determinant and spectrum of an operator – Spectral theorem for operators on a finite dimensional Hilbert space – Regular and singular elements in a Banach Algebra  Topological divisor of zero – Spectrum of an element in a Branch algebra – the formula for the spectral radius radical and semi simplicity.

Unit-VII – Complex Analysis

Introduction to the concept of analytic function – limits and continuity – analytic functions – Polynomials and rational functions elementary theory of power series  Maclaurin's series – uniform convergence power series and Abel's limit theorem – Analytic functions as mapping – conformality arcs and closed curves – Analytical functions in regions – Conformal mapping – Linear transformations – the linear group, the cross ratio and symmetry – Complex integration – Fundamental theorems – line integrals – rectifiable arcs – line integrals as functions of arcs – Cauchy's theorem for a rectangle, Cauchy's theorem in a Circular disc, Cauchy's integal formula – The index of a point with respect to a closed curve, the integral formula – higher derivatives – Local properties of Analytic functions and removable singularities-Â Taylor's theorem – Zeros and Poles – the local mapping and the maximum modulus Principle.

Unit-VIII – Differential Equations

Linear differential equation – constant co-efficients – Existence of solutions  Wrongskian – independence of solutions – Initial value problems for second order equations – Integration in series – Bessel's equation – Legendre and Hermite Polynomials – elementary properties – Total differential equations – first order partial differential equation – Charpits method.

Unit-IX – Statistics – I

Statistical Method – Concepts of Statistical population and random sample – Collections and presentation of data – Measures of location and dispersion – Moments and shepherd correction  cumulate – Measures of skewness and Kurtosis – Curve fitting by least squares  Regression – Correlation and correlation ratio – rank correlation – Partial correlation – Multiple correlation coefficient – Probability Discrete – sample space, events – their union – intersection etc. – Probability classical relative frequency and axiomatic approaches – Probability in continuous probability space –Â conditional probability and independence – Basic laws of probability of combination of events – Baye's theorem – probability functions – Probability density functions – Distribution function – Mathematical Expectations – Marginal and conditional distribution – Conditional expectations.

Unit-X – Statistics-II

Probability distributions  Binomial, Poisson, Normal, Gama, Beta, Cauchy, Multinomial Hypergeometric, Negative Binomial – Chehychev's lemma (weak) law of large numbers – Central limit theorem for independent identical variates, Standard Errors – sampling distributions of t, F and Chi square – and their uses in tests of significance – Large sample tests for mean and proportions – Sample surveys – Sampling frame – sampling with equal probability with or without replacement – stratified sampling – Brief study of two stage systematic and cluster sampling methods – regression and ratio estimates – Design of experiments, principles of experimentation – Analysis of variance – Completely randomized block and latin square designs

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UNIT- I –Vector Fields

General expression for gradient, divergence curl and Laplace operators in orthogonal curvilinear Co-ordinates and their explicit form in Cartesion spherical-co-ordinates, Stokes theorem and Gauss theorem.
Matrix theory
Algebraic operation – Rank of a matrix. Eigen values and Eigen vectors – characteristic equation – Cayely Hamilton theorem – Diagonalisation and Diagonalizability of unitary orthogonal. Hermitian and symmetric matrices.
Special functions
Legendre, Hermite and Lagune equation basic properties – Gamma and Beta functions.

UNIT-II –Probability and Theory of errors

Basic concept of probability distribution – Exclusive events and addition – Compound events and products – Binomial – Poisson and Guassian distribution – Normal distribution of error – Standard error – Principle of least squares – Application of solution of linear equation – Curve fitting.
Group theory
Definition – Sub-groups – Homomorphism and isomorphism – Group representations – Irreducible representation – Unitary representation.

UNIT – III – Classical mechanics

Generalised co-ordinates – D’Alembert’s principle, Lagrangian equation of motion – Hamiltonian equation – Conservative and non-conservative systems – Hamilton equation, cyclic variables, principle of least action – Theory of small oscillations – Normal co-ordinates and normal modes – Linear Triatomi molecule – Rigid bodies -Moments and products of inertia-Euler’s angle – Euler’s equation of motion-Symmetric top.

UNIT-IV –Statistical Mechanics

Maxwell Boltzmann statistics Maxwellian distribution of velocities – Mean – root mean square and most probable velocities Bose-Einstein statistics – Distribution function – Phonon gas – Black body radiation – Fermy-Dirac statistics – Distribution function – Electron gas – Pauli paramagnetism – Thermionic emission – Elementary idea of phase transition – Properties of liquid Helium – phase space, Liouville’s theorem – statistical equation – micro canonical ensembles – Equation of state-thermodynamic functions of an ideal gas equipartition of energy.

UNIT-V –Electromagnetic theory

Coulomb law – Gauss law – Poisson’s equation – Laplace equation and solution to boundry value problem – Electrostatics of dielectric media – Molecular polarisability and its application – Vector – Scalar potential – B and H in a magnetic material – Maxwell’s equations and their significance – Poynting theorem – Radiation of oscillating dipole.
Relativistic Mechanics
Basic ideas – Lorentz transformation. Time dilation and Lorentz contraction -Velocity addition law – Momentum and energy in relativistic Mechanics – Centre of mass system for two relativistic particles.

UNIT-VI –Spectroscopy

Rotation spectra – Vibration spectra – Rotation vibration spectra of diatomic and linear molecules – Raman Spectra – experimental techniques and classical theory of Raman Scattering – Electronic state of diatomic molecules – Frank–Condon principle – Hund’s coupling scheme – Evaluation of molecular constant from vibrational spectra data. Interaction between nuclear spin and magnetic field – Nuclear resonance-Chemical shift-Dipole-Dipole interaction-Spin lattice interaction.

UNIT-VII –Solid State Physics

Energy levels and density of states in one, two and three dimensions – Electrical and Thermal conductivities – Wiedmann-Franz law. Energy bands in solids – Transport phenomena in semiconductors operational functions of a junction diode-Schottky diode – Bloch theorem – Krong-Penny mudel – Brillouin zones – Wave equation of an electron in a periodic potential.

Thermal Properties of solids
Laws of Thermodynamics – Maxwell’s relations and their applications – Phase transitions – Production and measurement of low temperatures –Einstein and Debye theory of specific heats of solids.
Magnetic properties of materials
Langevin’s theory of dia-para-magnetism – Quantum theory of para – magnetism – Ferro – magnetism – Ferri – magnetism – superconductivity – Meissner effect – Thermodynamics of superconducting materials – London equation – B.C.S. theory – Josephson’s effect.

UNIT-VIII – Quantum mechanics

Schrodinger’s wave equation – Free particle – Particle in a potential well and barrier penetration – The probability interpretation – Expectation value – Eigen functions and eigen values – Stationery states – Wave packet – Uncertainty principle – Linear Harmonic oscillator – angular momentum and addition of angular momenta.
Peturbation theory – Transition probability – Constant and harmonic perturbation – Scattering theory – Differential and total scattering cross section – Born approximation – Partial wave analysis and phase shift analysis – Relativistic wave equations – Klein – Gordon equations – Dirac equation and its free particle solution.

UNIT-IX –Nuclear Physics

Binding energy – Semi empirical mass formula – Stability of nuclei – Nuclear forces – Ground state of deuteron – Alpha decay – B decay – Fermi’s theory – Selection rules – Liquid drop model – Nuclear fission – Shell model – Collective models.
Nuclear Instrumentation
Cyclotron-Synchro cyclotron – Proton synchrotron – Detectors – G.M.Counter – Scintillation Counter – Bubble chamber – Nuclear reactors – Neutron cross section – Fission product – Energy release – Chain reaction – Multiplication factor – Moderator – Natural Uranium – Diffusion equation.
Unit X – Electronics (Digital electronics)
Binary – Decimal – Octal and Hexadecimal numbers – 8421 Excess–3 – Gray Codes – Logic gates – Laws Boolean algebra – Half and full adders – Subtractors – RS, RST, JK and M/S Flip-flops – Ripple counter – Decade counter –Up-down counter – Serial and parallel registers.
Operational amplifier
Differential amplifier – Parameters – Applications – Analog integration and differentiation – Analog computation – Comparators – Sample and hold circuits – Oscillator – Hartley-Colpitt-Phase Shift – Wien’s bridge oscillators – Astable mono -Bistable multivibrators – Clipping and clamping circuits.
Microwave Physics
Microwave generation – Klystron – Magnetron – Travelling wave tubes – Microwave in rectangular and cylindrical wave guides – Characteristics of Antennas – Short dipole radiation – Antenna gain – Directivity – Radiation resistance – Radiation intensity.
Evolution of Microprocessors – Organisation of micro-computers- Preliminary concepts – Basic concepts of programming – Architecture – Address – Data and control buses – Memory decoding – Memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O.
Machine and instruction cycles – Addressing modes – Use of arithmetic logical data – Transfer stack and I/O instructions – Instruction set and assembly programming of 8085 microprocessor – Fetch – Execute – overlap – Instruction cycles – Instruction forward – Memories – RAM-PROMS, EPROMS-EEPROMS – Static and Dynamic RAM.

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Unit-I Pre-primary Education – Programme of Pre-primary Education-universalization of Primary Education- Equality of opportunity- Secondary and Higher Secondary Education-Need for uniform pattern-Non-formal and Adult Education-Functional Literacy Programme- Programmes for workers in Industry- Programme for dropouts-Role of Educational Institutions in Non-formal Education-Open School/Open University, Quantity and Quality of Education-State and National level-Unemployment and underemployment- Delinking employment from degrees- Skill development- Vocational Skill oriented education- Man Power planning and education ? Brain drain ? Special problems of rural and tribal people ? Illiteracy and poverty- Eradication of poverty through Education.

Unit-II National Integration ? International understanding ? Value Education in action ? Nutrition and health ? Sanitation ? Safety and first aid ? Women?s education ? Education for handicapped ? Education for gifted – Population Education? Need for protecting the environment ? Environmental Education ? Language policy ? Medium of education ? Channel of International communication ? Management of Schools, Private, Aided, Government, Local authorities ? Government Department of education, administration and academic supervision- Headmaster / Headmistress as an administrator and academic supervisor.

Unit-III History and Culture of Tamil Nadu: Political ? Spiritual ? Religion ? Literature ? Language ? Education ? Natural Resources ? Trade ? Occupations ? Historical places ? Tourist centers – Arts ? Games ? Society.

Unit-IV The Learner, learning process ? Learning situation ? Significance of Educational Psychology to the teacher concept of growth and maturity ? Development characteristies and trends ? Developmental tasks and education ? Development of mental abilities ? Attention, Inattention and distraction ? span of attention, sensation and perception ? factors in perception ? Errors ? concept formation ? Piagets stages of cognitive development ? concept maps language. Imagination, thinking and reasoning ? Psycho? linguistics ? Implications for the teacher.

Unit-V Special characteristics of adolescents and their problems, attitudes, interest, group behaviour, Discipline ? Leadership ? Nature and importance of learning ? Individual differences in learning ? Learning curves ? Transfer of learning ? Learning styles ? Factors in learning ? Types of learning ? Trial and error ? Conditioning ? Classical and operant ? Learning by insight ? Imitation ? Levels of learning ? Remembering and forgetting- Learning Disabilities.

Unit-VI Motivation- Maslow?s hierarchy of needs- Role of rewards and punishments ? Levels of aspiration ? Achievement motivation ? Goal as a motivational factor ? Nature of Intelligence ? Theories of Intelligence ? Assessment of intelligence ? IQ constancy ? Distribution ? uses of intelligence tests ? Creativity ? Creativity and intelligence ? Identification and promotion of creativity ? Meaning of personality ? Factors influencing personality -Assessment of personality ? Integrated personality ? concept of mental health and hygiene ? conflict and frustration- Unrest ? Adjustment ? Defence mechanisms – Mental illness ? Guidance and counselling.

Unit-VII Meaning of educational innovation ? Principles involved in innovation ? Emergence of School ? in cultural, social and religious setting ? Innovations that emerged from educational experiments ? Tagore:- Santiniketan ? Gandhiji:- Basic Education ? A.S.Neill:- Progressive School – Sri Aurobindo:- Ashram Schools. Rousseau: Children?s Education – Moutessori:- Sense Experience ? BertrandRussel:- Education for Social Order- Froebel:-Kindergarten ? Dewey:- Pragmatic life ? J. Krishnamoorthy:- Freedom in learning situation. Influence of Psychological factors on innovation ? principles underlying self learning devices. Piaget:- Experiments and discovery learning – Child -centred learning. Effects of cultural, religious and social factors on innovation ? Principles of equality – conformity to common educational goals.

Unit-VIII Modernization of education ? National Educational Policy (1986) ? DPEP-Special focus on Teacher Education (DTERT, DIETs, BRCs, CRCs) MLL based curriculum and syllabus – Joyful learning – Autonomy in institutional structures ? Individual freedom ? Library based learning: Self paced instruction ? pace setting schools – Mobile schools ? De-Schooling and non-classroom learning ? community schools ? school complex Distance education and open learning ? Education through mass communication ? Special education ? Sainik School ? Defence academy ? Educational Technology ? need for and use of Industructional technology ? mass media for instructional purposes ? Review of radio and TV educational programmes ? educational computing.
